Last Christmas, Mom and Dad got me two model aircraft kits. Over the past 3-4 months, I’ve been getting into the hobby.
This is my first attempt at building a model airplane. I’ve got ten tons of photos, which I’m going to place in a directory. Here are a few of them:
- Taylorcraft Model Airplane Mostly Complete
Here is the construction:
- Under Construction
- Build Progress In Reverse
It’s certainly a process. I’ve learned a lot, and used about 25 tubes of superglue. You can see the learning curve from roughly the tail to the wings in the monokote job: It’s pretty rough at first.
What I didn’t want to do though was obsess over the construction over the course of years, painstakingly making a model of visual perfection. Because the next step is to fly this thing and probably crash it. (I’ll show it off to friends and family first, but planes were meant to fly.)
It’s orange so that I can find it again after it gets lost in the field behind my house. 😛
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